Blog Posts
2023 Annual Performance Review
In this post, I take a look at my performance in 2023, with a focus on the metrics that I find important.
Dealing With Drawdowns
The reality of trading is that a large portion of your time will be spent in some form of drawdown. This posts delves into what my drawdowns looked like so far in 2023 as well as talking about how I approach drawdowns mentally as well as tactically.
Simulations of Annual Performance
In this exercise, I'll simulate the results of 1,000 traders all trading for a year with my expected performance. The idea of this exercise being to look at what is the distribution of results I should expect, given my current level of skill in the market.
The Trading Triangle
Understanding the math of your trading is paramount to developing a trading plan that you can expect earn money over time, or that has a positive expectation. There are three variables that are critical to measure and track to understand how your trading strategy is performing. Renowned market wizard Mark Minervini refers to these three variables as the Trading Triangle. This post is dedicated to not only explaining what these variables are, but also some very insightful metrics that can be calculated from them.